There are reasons why companies are switching from wooden pallets to plastic pallets and why many retailers want to switch. By adopting UK Plastic Pallets Online as their primary transportation platform, companies have reduced total cost of ownership (TCOB) and improved supply chain sustainability thanks to the many measurable benefits of plastic. What kind of plastic is the UK Plastic Pallets Online made of? The type of plastic in a UK Plastic Pallets Online affects how it is used, how often it is reused, and whether it is economically recyclable. The polymers used in the manufacture of plastic surfaces are synthetic materials and fall into two main categories. Thermoplastic resin: Once melted, these plastics can permanently deform after cooling. It does not soften even when reheated. Thermoplastic resin has a very high flash point and is highly flammable. However, due to this feature, recycling is not easy and may not be possible at all. Thermoplastic: Plastics in this category soft...